Might Is Right Or Right Is Might

Might Is Right Or Right Is Might - The Click Times

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Might is right was the saying that Scottish philosopher David Hume used in his essay ‘an enquiry concerning the principles of morals’ to show that people who are strong or powerful should rule themselves, others and any societies. this essay is where he introduced the theory of moral feelings.

If you are a big and mighty, you get everything. Yet in many situations, being big and mighty is not enough to persuade people to listen to you.

If we think it’s a good policy to put those who are rich at the top of hierarchy, where they rank far above those who are not; then we probably still think in terms like these. but today no state is run with such idea.

Might Is Right Or Right Is Might

When we study history we always find that there were powerful kings who ruled and some of them were very successful while others, although initially very powerful, could not long hold the throne and kingdom. The question is why? To understand it better we have to reverse the phase completely and it becomes “right is might”. Plato said: “Do not expect justice where power is right”. of justice where ordinary people had no voice, even if they were innocent. One of the best examples of such a dictatorial style of government is that of Adolf Hitler. He believed in the survival of the fittest and his style of justice has been widely underestimated or is still considered one of the most humiliating and terrifying eras in human history.

However, there are times when might must take over, such as in the Gulf War. In the early 1990s, Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait. Alarmed, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Arab powers called on western nations and the United States to intervene. Saddam Hussein defied the UN Security Council’s call to withdraw from Kuwait, so the U.S.A led a massive air raid offensive known as Operation Desert Storm.

The Allied coalition’s attacks lasted 42 days. both in the air and on the ground until Iraqi forces in Kuwait surrendered or fled. In this case, this show of force or intervention was necessary not only to prevent Saddam Hussein from conquering parts of Kuwait, but also to end the threat he and his son were posing to the people.

This was a situation where the Force was right. This was considered necessary at the time in view of Saddam Hussein’s atrocities against the Kurds. Saddam Hussein is accused of murdering 50,000 Kurds. For 20 years, under the rule of Saddam Hussein, Iraqis were subjected to inhuman torture, murder and rape. So in this case, coalition power was needed to end the torture and lead the Iraqis to freedom.

Might Is Right Story

On the other hand, this story also shows how. “Might is Right” as people were forced to lead miserable lives under the brutal leadership of Saddam Hussein and his son Uday. Although in the end the “coalition power” ended. until the end of barbaric leadership, but the world came together to fight for what is truly “right”. The basic rights of the Iraqis, especially the Kurds, the struggle for a life in freedom and dignity.
As we discussed earlier. , this saying has many dimensions.

The story of David and Goliath also tells us the same story, which may not always be true. David was a shepherd boy living in Israel. During the day he tended his sheep and played his harp in the evening. After strenuous battles, the king of Israel liked to listen to David’s harp because its melodies were so soothing.

However, soon a huge Goliath began to threaten the Jewish people and the soldiers, boasting of its strength and challenging the soldiers.He was sure that none of the Jewish soldiers could defeat him. The Jewish soldiers were very afraid of Goliath, but little David said he could face the mighty Goliath, which terrified the people. With the help of a slingshot, little David hit the giant Goliath. upside down and killed him while all of Goliath’s friends fled, saving the Jewish people from the giant. Though small, David dared to face injustice with courage. He fought for what was right and the victory was his.

If we study human psychology, we will find that people tend to go with the flow if you have the strength to do so. History shows that people who have power are affected and at a certain point they begin to lose weight. It happens around. us all the time. It happens on all levels. The plight of women who are oppressed because they are the weaker sex, the poor who are oppressed because they don’t have the strength to fight the rich, and so on.

Might isn’t always right” because not all powerful have the mental toughness to be upright, fair and therefore the ones who stand out and become leaders. They have engraved their names in people’s hearts and in history because they have used their power for the good of the masses.
Might combined with what is right is a great force that can change the entire narrative. We need to have that power deep within us to stand up for what’s right like little David did. We have to be strong inside to make a difference.

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