The Click times: NAIROBI, Kenya — A plane crashed Sunday morning into Lake Victoria because it approached an airport in Tanzania, killing 19 People on board.

Of the 43 people on board there were 24 survivors, according to operator Precision Air.
The two pilots initially survived and managed to speak to local officials from the cockpit but the prime minister says they may have since died.
The plane crashed near the shore at the end of the Bukoba airport runway.
Rescuers were able to wade through the water to bring some of those still inside the plane to safety.
“We were really shocked. People panicked and some started crying and shouting,”
“At the arrivals gate people panicked as well – most of them were waiting to welcome their relatives.”
He has spoken to the fishermen who were first on the scene. They told him they managed to get into the plane to rescue people after a flight attendant opened the rear door after the plane had crashed.
The tragedy, which occurred around 08:50 local time (05:50 GMT), has been blamed on bad weather.
Emergency workers have used ropes to pull the ATR-42 aircraft even closer to the shore, and some of the plane’s body is now above the water.
the country’s prime minister said. A senior policeman said it was raining while the plane plunged into the water. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa raised the dying toll up from the three dead announced previously. Local government said earlier Sunday that 26 of the 43 people on the Precision Air flight from the coastal city of Dar es Salaam have been rescued and taken to a hospital. It turned into now no longer clear if the new death toll included people who died on the hospital. Photos confirmed the plane, which was headed to Bukoba Airport, by and large submerged in the lake. Precision Air is a Tanzanian airline company. “We have controlled to keep quite some of humans,” Kagera province police commander William Swapnaghale informed journalists.
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