The Click Times: It’s easy to use social media, right? Just publish, tweet, like, retweet, comment, follow, and unfollow are all that is required. Since everything is private (or at least secure from your computer screen), there are no regulations. Well, ideally, maybe. If you wish to use social platforms to really have discussions or meet fascinating people rather than just for trolling, you could wish to agree to a few easy-to-remember guidelines:
Social Media Etiquette: Tips For A Happier, More Productive Life

1. Avoid posing as someone you’re not:
You don’t even know how simple it is to discover information about someone, even if the internet provides you a feeling of safety. Not every part of your life needs to be disclosed, but if you’re an American man, don’t pose as a French glamour model.
2. Stop being an idiot:
Although it’s good to have something worthwhile to contribute, the internet (or rather, the individuals on the internet) dislikes personality experts in every profession. You claim to be an expert on all things military, Britney Spears, Azerbaijani foreign policy, and emus. Right. In fact you do.
3. Avoid argumentative situations:
Social media is a fantastic tool for exchanging ideas as well as current affairs (in the future, if not already, the only response to the question “where were you when XYZ happened?” will be “on Twitter”).
Even if you disagree with what they’re saying, avoid getting into a heated debate.
4. Avoid going too deep:
If you get into a disagreement, say what you need to say and then walk away. Don’t use profanity, slurs, or comebacks appropriate for fifth grade.
5. Check your grammar twice:
Grammar mistakes, in my opinion, do more to damage your reputation than anything else. Nobody is flawless, but everyone can benefit from using Google and a text editors.
6. Communicate with others:
When someone responds to your tweet or post, thank them or strike up a dialogue. Like its name implies, social media is a form of communication, and nobody like being ignored.
7. Be your own censor:
Some people use their Twitter and Facebook profiles as notebooks. But for the devotion of God, don’t tell your readers EVERYTHING. Let’s keep this simple since there are some things that should be kept secret.
8. Avoid sharing images of parties:
Photos of you smoking and drinking may have wowed your high school pals, but until you are truly 16-years-old, refrain from doing it. especially if the image contains any vomit.
9. Identify reliable sources:
Although the concept of actual source on the internet is mostly a silly idea, sharing a photo, video, article, or joke along with a link to the source (for example, via Facebook’s “share” option) would undoubtedly be welcomed.
10. Have enjoy:
Not least of all, social media is meant to be enjoyable. Instead of grumbling, sobbing, and complaining, try interacting with new people, sharing fascinating things, expanding your horizons, and having the most fun possible!
Social Media Etiquette – Rules or Tips for Teenagers :
1. Follow the Basic Rule: Treat people like you want to be treated. Don’t communicate with someone online in a way that you wouldn’t in person.
2. Keep in mind that anything you put online is visible to everyone. It doesn’t matter if you delete the text or message is unimportant. Unless you’ve uploaded it, others can find it. You leave a digital “fingerprint” behind when you post something online.
3. When emailing or publishing something, AVOID USING ALL CAPS. A kind of internet yelling is using all CAPS.
Also read: How does Social Media Affects Youth?
4. Use nice words:
Keep in mind that while it may appear to be a picture in front of you, there is actually someone person on the other end.
5. Avoid posting while you’re upset:
Never post something like that when you’re feeling sensitive. Before you respond to the problem, give yourself some time to collect your emotions. This will assist you in avoiding saying anything you’ll later regret.
6. Make sure your username and password are unique. Don’t always use the same one. It is not a smart idea for kids to use the same login and password across many websites. Your security information will give anybody who discovers it access to everything. For the highest level of security, utilise unique usernames and passwords.
7. Avoid creating absurd email addresses. Your email address will be used for scholarship applications, job applications, resumes, and college applications. See if your email address makes a good first impression. Otherwise, restart it.
8. Unless you don’t care them getting shared with everyone, don’t post images of yourself or other people online. Choose carefully what you post on the computer. Before posting, always seem to have your parents read it. You shouldn’t post something online if your family don’t agree with it. If it’s a mate’s photo, consider if the friend’s parents would approve of the posting. Don’t post it if the response is “no.”
Also read: Working Hard or Working Smart: Which One to Choose?
9. Avoid chitchat with strangers. Avoid entering chat groups and disclosing private information about yourself. The person at the other end of your online link may seem like someone you know, but they might be a fraud.
10. Be careful while sharing private information online. Never provide information such as your entire name, home address, phone number, Social Security number, passwords, or credit card details.
Bonus Advice:
Establish time limits for how long you spend on the computer. A machine can never replace a human being. Remember that everything in excess is unhealthy, so avoid letting the internet rule your life.
Tags: #social media etiquette for students #social media rules for teenager #rules for using social media responsibly #social media guidelines #tips of social media etiquette #top social media etiquette tips #social media etiquette #social media tips