- Drought emergency declared in Southern California
- The country’s largest water supplier announced this
- 1 crore 90 lakh people can be affected
Los Angeles: The nation’s largest water supplier has declared a drought emergency for all of Southern California. 19 million (1 crore 90 lakh) people can be affected by this. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California provides water to 26 different agencies that supply major population centers such as Los Angeles and San Diego counties.
It doesn’t rain much in Southern California, That’s why the district imports about half its water from the Colorado River and northern Sierra Nevada through the State Water Project. The state’s complex system of dams, canals and reservoirs provides drinking water for most people. It has been so dry in the last 3 years that those water supplies have come down to record lows. Earlier this year, the district declared a drought emergency for agencies that rely mostly on the state water project, which covers about 7 million people.
On Tuesday, the board asked Southern California water agencies to immediately reduce the amount of water they import. By April, the board will decide whether to continue with the cut or not. Following the drought declaration, Colorado River water managers are meeting in Las Vegas to discuss growing concerns about the river’s future. Scientists say climate change has contributed to increasingly hot and dry weather in the West, threatening water supplies. 75 percent of the imported water used in Southern California is used only to irrigate yards and gardens.
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