Mental Health: Symptoms, Disorders and Treatment

Mental Health Symptoms, Disorders and Treatment - The Click Times

When it comes to health, we all first consider our physique. But the most important part of health is always missed by us. So what else can it be other than the mental health. The health condition of every living being is explained by exploring both mental and physical health. What major aspect that should be considered is the physical health can be bought into shape with hard work and exercise, but what about mental health… similar questions get into our mind every time. So let’s explore the best of facts about mental health.

Moving ahead with mental health and its several conditions refers to behavioral, emotional and cognitive well being. This is what we think of, so it’s must that we must behave well with people and how people think and feel in their day to day living. Rather experts say that mental health can obviously affect our day to day living and relationships impacting on our physical health.

Introduction to Mental Health

Mental health relates to every single state of our mind like emotions, psychology as well as our day to day activities. This affects directly or indirectly to how we think and how we feel as well, as it impacts our living style. With mental health one can determine how much we can take the stress and how we can relate to others. This stands to be important in every stage of life and most important in teenage, adult hood and aging.

As of WHO says, mental health is a perfect stage of wellbeing where every individual realizes their own abilities and bears the patience to handle the normal stress level of life. He or she thinks of how productive they can be which would help them contribute to their community. Apart from all that, your mental health can be justified with how you speak, how you deal with people and the problems relating to mental health relates to factors like genes or chemical functioning in our brain, biological factors and processes in our body, life experiences, traumas and any kind of social abuses, family conditions, stability of mental health and related problems.

Mental Disorders and their Impact on Mental Health

It might not sound serious, yet it is and this condition can affect the way you think and your mood as well as behavior irrespective of its longevity. They can even affect your ability to relate to every single function that you perform every day. Mental disorder can be a common way to find it out with how your mental health is and how it will be further. Looking forward to its importance, this is going to work on many features like:-

  • How you relate to your stress level in life.
  • Maintaining a perfect physical relationship and staying healthy.
  • How you contribute your time and stay socially active.
  • Work with productivity.
  • Realize your potentiality to performance

These are the aspects that make mental health important which directly or indirectly affect physical health.

Symptoms of Mental Illness

People suffering from mental illness suffer from various signs and symptoms that start as a primary concern of various disorders.

  • Something like feeling sad or low can be a major and simple sign.
  • Staying confused with reduced concentration on work and excess fear about something that you are not associated to.
  • Worries and unnecessary concerns.
  • Mood swings and mood changes with fluctuations.
  • Staying away from social activities.
  • Feeling tired every time with detachment from reality and activities.
  • Avoiding friends circle and low energy with sleeping issues.
  • Feeling paranoia and hallucinations.
  • Feeling disgusted with loosing ability to deal with daily problems and stress.
  • Trouble in understanding as well as relating to people.
  • Unusual confusions and taking lots of medications.
  • Developing suicidal tendencies.

Apart from the about there are some physical problems as well associated like that of stomach pain, back pain, headaches etc. so it’s always preferable to consult a psychiatrist or visit the doctor to get proper treatment on time.

Common Disorders Associated with Mental Health

The disorders associated with mental health covers with factors like depression and anxiety disorders, panic disorders, social anxiety related disorders and many more. Here comes a list of disorders associated with mental health.

  • Anxiety based Disorders

People suffering from this kind of disorders respond very badly to situations as well as objects. They develop serious conditions relating to fear and dread with physical signs of anxiety and panic. Some of the symptoms are like rapid heartbeat and sweating. Sometimes it happens that the person is unable to control its response and anxiety interferes with the normal functioning. These include some generalized disorders like panic attacks, social anxiety disorders as well as specific phobias.

  • Disorders relating to Mood

These are otherwise called affective disorders. Generally it includes persistent feelings like sadness for a small period or even happiness for a small period. It also happen that your mood fluctuate from excessive sadness to excessive happiness. These can relate to depression, bipolar disorders and even severe syndromes like cyclothymic disorders.

  • Psychotic Disorders

The following includes distorted awareness and thinking. The most common ones are like hallucinations where the patient experiences images or sounds that doesn’t really exist. Even at times, they feel like hearing voices and delusions which are false and they accept it as truth. Some of the best examples are like schizophrenia.

  • Eating Disorders

This might sound odd, but it’s a fact that eating disorder is also a kind of mental disorder. This involves extreme emotions, attitudes as well as behaviors which includes weight and food. Some of the common kinds are like bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorders, anorexia nervosa etc.

  • Addictive Disorders

This is quite harmful which keep people performing unusual acts which might prove them harmful. These are like kleptomania or stealing things, compulsive gambling, pyromania etc. apart from that the alcohol and drugs are common objects of addiction and people with these disorders are involved severely with the disorder.

  • Personality Disorders

People who suffer from this kind of disorder have extreme and inflexible personalities. The traits are quite distressing to people and causes problem in day to day life. Apart from that they also deal with changes relating to their thinking and behavior that are quite different from the society. People suffering from these diseases become rigid and interfere with other people normal life. They sometimes develop paranoid kind of personality disorders.

    Other than the above, there are also disorders like post-traumatic stress disorders which develop prior to traumatic or some terrifying events. These can be like a physical or sexual assault or an unexpected death of your loved ones. People suffering from this bear frightening thoughts and memories of any kind of event which relate to them in the past.

Treatment and Prevention

Treatment for these kinds of diseases is still under cover. But at the same time people have recovered with better results by naturopathy, meditations, yoga and other kind of natural treatments. Still best would be to get assisted by pscycatrist who will guide with perfect way of treatment for the disorders relating to mental health.


It’s necessary that patients need to stay in a calm and cool place with surrounding associated with positive energy that would encourage them every time to stay stable. For these kinds of disorders sleep manages a great impact. So it’s always preferable to sleep a sound sleep and stay healthy mentally and physically. 

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