What is minecraft ender update and how to do it?

minecraft ender update

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Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. With its limitless possibilities, players can create their own world, build structures, and explore different dimensions. Among these dimensions is the End, a mysterious and dangerous realm that players can access by defeating the Ender Dragon. The Ender Update in Minecraft brought many changes to this dimension and made it even more exciting for players to explore.

The Ender Update was released in November 2016 as part of the Exploration Update, and it brought many new features to Minecraft. One of the major changes was the addition of new structures to the End dimension, including End Cities and End Ships. End Cities are sprawling complexes made up of purpur blocks and guarded by shulker mobs. Shulkers are a new mob that players can encounter in the End dimension. They are small, block-like creatures that can teleport and shoot projectiles that cause levitation. End Ships, on the other hand, are rare structures that contain valuable loot such as elytra wings and dragon heads.

In addition to the new structures, the Ender Update also introduced a new block called the Chorus Plant. Chorus Plants are tall, purple plants that can be found in the End dimension. They can be harvested to obtain chorus fruit, which can be eaten to restore hunger and teleport the player a short distance. Chorus Fruit can also be used to make Chorus Blocks, which can be crafted into purpur blocks.

The Ender Update also brought changes to the Ender Dragon fight, making it more challenging and strategic. Before players can defeat the Ender Dragon, they must destroy a series of end crystals located around the main island to weaken the dragon. This mechanic adds a new level of strategy to the fight and requires players to plan their attack carefully.

Another new addition to the Ender Update is the Dragon’s Breath. The Dragon’s Breath is a new item that players can obtain by using a glass bottle on the lingering cloud of gas left behind by the Ender Dragon’s fire breath attack. The Dragon’s Breath can be used to create lingering potions, which leave a cloud of potion effects in the area where they were thrown.

The Ender Update also brought improvements to Minecraft’s achievements system. Players can now earn new achievements related to the End dimension, such as “Free the End” for defeating the Ender Dragon and “The City at the End of the Game” for finding and looting an End City.

In conclusion, the Ender Update in Minecraft brought many changes to the End dimension, making it even more exciting for players to explore. With the addition of new structures, mobs, and items, players have even more reasons to visit the End. The changes to the Ender Dragon fight also make it more challenging and strategic, adding a new level of excitement to the game. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran, the Ender Update is definitely worth checking out.

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